Genetesis Co-founder/ceo Is 2017 Thiel Fellow

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The Thiel Foundation, according to its website, received 2800 applications last year for Thiel Fellowships, which provide mentorship and $100K to young people who choose entrepreneurship over college. From those 2800 applications, 25 fellows were selected. We're delighted that of them is Peeyush Shrivastava.  

Before enrolling at the Ohio State University, the Mason High School graduate had an idea he believed could revolutionize the way millions of people with chest pain are diagnosed and treated in hospital emergency departments.  Some time later, Peeyush put college on the back burner to focus full time on his company Genetesis. Genetesis is developing CardioFlux, a non-invasive platform using biomagnetic imaging to help physicians to detect and localize sources of abnormality in the heart. (Here's a video about it.) This is significant as currently, the ER has a hard time distinguishing between chest pain that is cardiac-related and that which is not.  

Peeyush and his team work with laser-like focus, and their efforts have not gone unnoticed, drawing investment from Mark Cuban, and receiving the following accolades and achievements:

Add to that the Thiel Fellowship.   Peeyush (second from right) continues to set a high bar as he and his team work to better our world.

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