Statement On Racial Inequality And Recent Events

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The recent deaths of African Americans Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd were tragic and unjust. These tragedies are the latest in the long history of mistreatment of African Americans in our country. Similar unequal treatment persists in education, healthcare, employment, and economic mobility.

Whatever we have done as an organization to promote African American entrepreneurship was simply not enough.

With input from African American and other diverse founders, co-investors, board members, and advisors, CincyTech will scrutinize and redesign our processes to ensure more diversity in our team, portfolio, portfolio workforce, and advisors. We will also review, revise, and publicize measures of progress in our organization, processes, and portfolio. Driving change will require sustained effort over time, but with urgency in the moment.

We must do better.

Michael Venerable
CEO CincyTech

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